Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Post!

Hello, everybody, and welcome to the first post of our protest site! Stay tuned for pictures, updates on sit-ins, letters and poems written by supporters, movies, and (maybe) a newsletter!


  1. Oh snap....Itz Yoshi!!! I am a HUGE supporter of this movement! (but u already know that)Could you put this on your blog, Claire? -> Please help us by joining the rebellion against these Snapz -ugh,this is so disgusting. Almost as disgusting as Justin Bi**er- Apple -*shudders*- Crisps. Jeez, that was hard to write. WE NEED JUSTICE!!! (like Nancy Grace. You should watch her show. Its actually really good. Wait, I'm getting off topic again)Will you help us with the movement?

  2. Oh yeah! I'll put it on my blog, and get Laney to do the same!


Sound off on the rebellion!